Monday, April 16, 2012


Today marks a milestone in my sweet little puppy Effie’s life. She is one year old and has thankfully survived living with me this long, ha!

Yes, I put a party hat on her. Because I think it is funny. And she is cute in it.
This time last year, I had lived at my apartment for two years. I really didn’t have any neighbors and still didn’t have any friends or know very many people here. It’s hard at times being away from your friends and family. I’m really good at entertaining myself but still was lonely at times. <Enter the idea of getting a puppy.> I have two friends who have Yorkies, but I had always wanted a Maltese. The Maltese is a small, friendly, companion dog, which is exactly what I needed! So, I started my search!
            I drove to one lady’s house, ready to walk out with my cute little puppy. However, when I saw her, she seemed sick and wasn’t very active. (the puppy, that is) I was not about to buy a sick puppy, so I passed on her. Apparently Maltese are not very popular. To my surprise, I had more leads on them from Ebay. So, I had plans to stop by a breeder on my way to my parent’s one weekend. By this time, I had started second-guessing myself. “Dogs are expensive. They are a huge responsibility.” I never realized how indecisive I am! But, to be honest, it is probably good to really think about big purchases and if you really want something. Well, because of said indecisiveness, I backed out on stopping to see those puppies.
            I had pretty much talked myself out of a puppy when on the last weekend I was going to be home, my mom saw an ad in the paper: MALTESE, 3 BOYS, 1 GIRL. Well, I knew I wanted the girl. But, my indecisiveness was creeping up again! I just knew the girl would be taken already, but when we called she was still available! We made plans to go look at her. My mom still makes fun of me to this day about the way I was acting. “I’m so nervous; my heart is beating so fast! Mom, I need a code word if you think she looks sick or something.” It really is funny that I acted so silly about it. When the lady arrived, I took one look at her and knew I would get her. My mom couldn’t believe that I committed to buying her so quickly! She was just so cute! 
            I knew all along that I wanted to name her Effie. A lot of people ask me where I got that name or tell me that it was their grandmother’s name. (To which I respond, “Aw, I’m sorry!”) But the truth is I have a unique interest in names. I sometimes read name lists and apparently found this one on the internet a long time ago. I could just picture my future puppy named Effie. I gave her the middle name Ona because the last syllable in Effie, /fee/ + Ona= Fiona, which means white. And Maltese are solid white except the eyes and nose. (Remember, I said I have a unique interest in names!)
          I was very strict with house training her, and it worked! She thankfully goes to the door when she needs to go out and has ever since she was really little. She also knows how to sit, shake, high five, lie down, speak, and roll over. She has also had quite a few close calls in her short life like the time she ate cocoa powder and had to go to the ER, and the time she jumped out of the car at a gas station and I had to chase her down, and the time she got away from me when I was taking out the trash and I had to chase her through the parking lot. We even had a coyote look straight at us at the apartment complex one night when I first got her. Needless to say, we ran back upstairs ASAP! I have been paranoid about them ever since!
            So, every reason I could think of for not getting a puppy turned out to be true. Dogs are expensive and are a huge responsibility. However, I would not trade Effie for the world! She is so lovable and a lot of fun. She is always up for playing and hanging out with me. She makes me laugh every day, and who doesn’t like to laugh? She also has helped me meet several people in my area. When I got Effie, she became sort of the icebreaker. I guess she made me more approachable and gave me something to talk about. My best friend even thinks I’m more outgoing now! I love meeting new people and making friends and probably wouldn’t have without her. One couple I met was even inspired to get their own cute, little Maltese! (Score! :) This past year has by far been the best yet here. And not just because of Effie, but she has definitely brightened my life! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be Ready!

            A few days ago, I woke up early from a slightly stressful dream. I dreamed that it was my wedding day. I was getting ready and realized that I apparently failed to plan everything! My dress was old and tattered. My veil was hideous and did not match my dress at all. It was more like a long floor length hat with jewels on it. I couldn’t get my hair to style right. When I looked in the mirror, I looked absolutely awful. Also, my dad didn’t know if his suit matched the groom’s suit. Nothing was coordinated. I had not prepared at all! To top it all off, I was running late for my own wedding. I was so embarrassed. I was ashamed of myself. How could I not plan better-to look beautiful for my soon to be husband? I was afraid he would take one look at me and say, “No, I’m not marrying you! Get away from me!” I realize this was just a dream, but I have very realistic dreams sometimes. This dream was just stressing me out, ha!
            Well, as you can imagine, I finally woke up from this dream. As I was reflecting on it, I remembered that the Bible refers to the church as the bride and Jesus is the Bridegroom. It dawned on me that when I meet Jesus (whether I die or He comes back), I want to be ready to meet Him! I want to be beautiful for Him! How can I do this? Not by following a list of dos and don’ts, but by knowing Him. After all, what bride doesn’t intimately know the groom and want to spend time with him? In the same way, I need to know Jesus and spend time with Him. By doing this, He will make me beautiful by making me more like Him. I don’t want to be like I was in my dream- Ashamed that I didn’t prepare myself for my groom. I do not want to hear Jesus say the words I was afraid my groom in my dream would say. But Jesus warned that He would say these words to some: “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:23) I cannot even imagine how terrible being separated from Jesus for eternity could be. I know that I won’t be separated from Him, because He gave his life for my sins and I have given my life to Him and have a relationship with Him. I pray my relationship with Him grows more every day and that I become more like Him so that I will be beautiful when I see Him face to face.
            “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: ‘In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2

Let’s all Be Ready!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chronicles of a Non-dater

     My name is Candace and I am a non-dater. Yes, I said it…I’m a non-dater. Let me clarify. By non-dater, I don’t mean that I choose not to date or even that I don’t want to date. In my case, it is simply the fact that few have asked me for a date. I can count on two hands (or maybe just one, ha!) the number of dates I have had in my lifetime. And those were blind dates at that. Lame, I know. Most of the time, I’m okay with this. But, to be honest, sometimes it does get to me. What girl doesn’t want a cute, cool guy to like her and want to spend time with her? So sometimes, when I see a guy I think may actually be into me and he doesn’t ask me out, it makes me feel unworthy. Like I’m not good enough or pretty enough or interesting enough. And that is when it gets to me. I don’t like to feel this way. But, that is when I realize, I’m not just a non-dater. I’m also a daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, employee, and Christian. And as a Christian, I know my purpose and fulfillment in this life is not found in whether or not I go out on dates, get a boyfriend, get married, and have children. My ultimate purpose in this life is to know Jesus Christ personally and worship Him. How awesome is that?! I certainly know I’m not worthy of Him. I’ve messed up so many times, and He lived a sinless life and laid it down for me anyway. Just so I could have a relationship with Him. So ultimately, what does it matter if I go on dates or not? Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” So I hope to do just that! Instead of focusing on what I don’t have, I’m going to live my life to the full, praising Him along the way!!! I love the life He has given me, and I want to make the most of every opportunity that comes my way. Life is a journey, not a destination, right? This is my life, these are my chronicles. To God be the Glory!