Showing posts with label Thankfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thankfulness. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

My Country 'Tis of Thee

     Ok, so I realize this is a really late 4th of July post, but better late than never, right?! This year's Independence Day was absolutely AMAZING!!! My parents cooked out and my brother and sister-in-law came over. It was a very unusual cool day for this time of year in the deep south and we took advantage of it. We seriously spent ALL day outside! It was so relaxing and fun. We had watermelon and homemade ice cream and even had a little target practice with the bb gun! That night we went to a local fireworks show and got to see some really big and pretty fireworks! Great day with the family!!! 

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year In Review

     2012 will be one for the books in just a few short hours. It has definitely been a year for me! Here are some of the highlights:
  • Car trouble, lots of car trouble. I pretty much have a new car under the hood, lol.
  • My first and hopefully last kidney stone. Who knew something so tiny could be so painful?
  • Spring trip to Nashville with the girls
  • Started this blog! 
  • Brought my total weight loss to 67 pounds! Never thought that would be possible.
  • My brother got married!
  • My friend, Christy, got married too!
  • Summer trip to New Orleans
  • Attended my first ASHA Convention and heard Maya Angelou and Gabby Giffords speak.
  • Fall trip to Atlanta
  • Loss of my last living grandparent, Pawpaw Red
  • My dad's sickness/hospitalization two times. Thankfully he is recovering.
  • Lots of time with family and friends during Christmas!
     Along with all the things I listed, this year is filled with countless memories of laughter and tears, thrills and disappointments, joys and heartaches. Many things I will never forget have happened this year. My faith has grown and God has changed me in so many ways. I am thankful for all that He has done this year. I look forward to what He will do in 2013! Happy New Year!!!

The Lord has done great things for us. And we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. Romans 8:28

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursdays---Laughter and Tears

     I really have so much to be thankful for! I wasn't really sure what I wanted to write about tonight, but it just dawned on me: laughter and tears. I know, I know laughter is a given. It is fun-everyone loves it! Laughter is good for the soul! But tears? Who is ever thankful for tears? God has taught me that He is with me during hard times that causes the hurt and tears. He understands pain and He teaches me in ways I can never fully understand or imagine. Sometimes He allows hard things to happen so we can get to know Him in ways we never would have otherwise. So that is why I am thankful for tears. Because I get to trust in and grow closer to my Savior. {I would like to note that this is not easy at all and I'm not good at it, but He continually helps me with it.} He is completely worth getting to know, even in the hard times! Laughter is fun but God uses tears to develop our relationship with Him. That is so amazing to me. I am thankful for both. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursdays---Happy Thanksgiving!!!

     Happy Thanksgiving!!!

     Today, I am very thankful that my Daddy was released from the hospital! He has been there all week and I know he is glad to be home. I am glad to have them back too! I am also thankful for my family. I love them very much and look forward to our postponed turkey day on Saturday! Maybe by then our famous chef (Daddy) will feel more up to cooking and eating. Blessings to all!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursdays---Effie

     I am very thankful for my little dog, Effie! She is a sweetheart. I never thought a four-legged animal could be such a wonderful companion! She makes me laugh and gives me someone to talk to even though she doesn't talk back. {Well, she does in a sense. She barks back when I get on to her, lol.} She has her own fun personality and does some funny things. She makes me happy and things aren't quite the same when she is gone. She also helped me become more outgoing and is a fabulous walking partner! There's no telling how many miles we have walked together. I was very hesitant to get her at first but I am soooooo glad I did! If you are on the fence about whether or not to get a dog, just go ahead and take the plunge and get one. You won't regret it!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursdays---Friends

     I am so thankful for all my friends, past and present! Since the time I was a little girl, I have always had a hard time making friends. I used to be extremely shy. Some would probably say that I still am, but believe me, I have come a loooooong way! Honestly, I'm just really quiet until I get to know people a little. Once that happens, it is hard to get me to stop talking, lol :)
      Anyway, God has certainly blessed me with friends in each of the stages of my life. When I graduated from high school, I started working while I went to a community college. I became friends with my coworkers. They taught me how to be silly and have fun (and still work hard at the same time) We literally had a party every chance we got. But, after two years, it was time for me to move on to a four year college.
      When I moved out own my own, I was still working and going to school. I didn't really know anyone in this new town and I really needed some friends. So, I prayed for God to send me some. He answered my prayers! A few girls from church reached out to me and took me in so to speak. I also became friends with another girl that was in my American Sign Language class. I loved hanging out with these girls and was truly thankful that I had people to enjoy college life with. As time went on, my friends from church got married and busy with life and my other friendship dissolved.
     Once again, I really needed some friends in my life. Well, God came through again! One of the married girls had a friend move to town and we became best friends. We were able to "build" a group of 6 friends for our grad school years. To say we had a lot of fun and trying times together would be an understatement! 
     After college, I moved to my current location where I have extended family nearby but didn't really know anyone else in the area. After two long, lonely years of not knowing anyone here, I decided to get my dog, Effie. Last year was such a fun year! I got to meet tons of people at my apartment just because I had Effie as an icebreaker. Some of those people I will truly never forget. So, I got used to talking to strangers and inadvertently became more outgoing. This was the reason I was able to meet my current group of SLP friends. Seriously. Through a couple of connections, I was able to introduce myself to a couple of these girls. Before, I probably would have been uncomfortable doing that.
     It is truly amazing how God works! The other day I was thinking about all of this and something dawned on me.....One of those friends from college was the connection to my best friend now who was the connection to one of my SLP friends here who introduced me to the other girls here. Whew! That was a mouthful!!! I know this was confusing and vague without naming people but I hope this post makes at least a little sense. Basically, I am thankful for all my friends, past and present! There have definitely been lots of fun times and a few heartbreaking times through these relationships, but God has used each of these friendships to provide for me, teach me, challenge me, and encourage me. The way He works simply amazes me! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Thursdays---Lessons from Little Ones

     During the month of November, I thought it would be fun to reflect on what I'm thankful for. Today, I am thankful for all the sweet children at the school where I work. Rarely does a day go by that I don't hear a "Hey, Ms. Candace!", get a random hug, or see someone waving at me from the bus. These things may seem insignificant, but it really makes me feel special and loved. And, I don't always know the children who do these things. I think that is what catches me off guard, because I know I've done nothing to deserve that child's love. Just today, I was in a classroom while the children were lining up to go somewhere. One sweet girl left the line, came to me, and gave me a hug. Did I know who she was? No.  Did I deserve it? No. Did she have to do that? No. But as I am writing this, I am realizing something. The same is true of Jesus! I've done absolutely nothing to deserve His love. He left heaven, came to this world, and gave His life. Did I know who He was? No. Did I deserve it? No. Did He have to do that? No. But He did all of it anyway because He loves me and He loves you. We can have a relationship with Him even though we don't deserve it. He offers us freely this blessing. He wants us to accept Him and love Him. I couldn't be more amazed right now! I never expected to get a picture of God's love for me from a simple hug from a child. But that is just how God works. He does big things in the seemingly small. I'm thankful for those precious children and the lessons that God teaches me through them. I hope He uses me to be a good influence on them and make a difference in their lives. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

I am so thankful for my Dad! He is a wonderful man who has worked really hard to provide for his family. When my brother and I were younger he taught him how to play baseball and he taught me how to find ladybugs and catch butterflies, ha! I still love butterflies to this day! Now that we are grown, he enjoys gardening and cooking. He plants butternut squash especially for me because he knows I love it so much. I really appreciate the ways he shows us he loves us. I know that he is there for me if I ever need him. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Great Treasure

          I am so thankful for my sweet Mama! She is a wonderful mother and friend. When I was younger, she always took care of me when I was sick, helped me with problems, encouraged me when I was down, taught me right from wrong and so much more! She still has a great impact on my life. I know she loves me and prays for me. I thank the Lord for giving me a Christian mother who loves Jesus. He is the reason she is a great woman and mother. Without her love, support, and guidance, I would not be who I am today. What greater treasure is there than a mother who leads and points her children to Jesus? So, thank you, Mama and Happy Mother’s Day!!! To God be the Glory!