Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Non-Resolutions in 2015

     I know we are nearly 2 weeks into the new year and it's a little late for resolutions. So, it's a good thing I'm not making any right?! I usually love to start the new year fresh with goals and good intentions to improve myself. This year, I just wasn't feeling it. I just want to live, you know? Not make a list of requirements or reach a certain size or read a certain number of books, etc, etc lol. And I was okay with my decision. But there are a couple of ideas that have been circulating in my mind the past couple of days. Driving home today, I thought these could be my Non-Resolutions, so to speak. Things I want to do that I would absolutely LOVE, but if they don't work out, I'm not going to beat myself up for not achieving them. And I decided to write this post so I don't forget these things hahaha! Maybe I will think of some other things to add to my list later!

1. Buy a home. Whoa, this is big. HUGE. But I'm seriously considering this. I would love a home of my own and to have a craft room. Like this one I saw on Pinterest!! Seriously, how cute is that??!! I totally want a pretty chandelier in mine too ;)

2. This is very random---Apply to be a contestant on WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I love watching the show and especially solving the final puzzle. The chances of being chosen are very low, but hey, it doesn't hurt to try, right?! I really think it would be fun just to apply, lol. 

3. This is random too. But, I really love names and often read baby name blogs. There are TONS by the way. My friend Meghan tells me a lot that I should have my own baby name blog. I honestly don't have enough ideas to pull that off, but for the first time today I actually seriously considered writing a blog post about names and submitting it to be featured on one of the blogs I follow. I just need a good idea and research it, lol!

4. I enjoy sewing. I am interested in finding a way to combine this hobby/interest with helping people. Fingers crossed!

So, wish me luck!! I have plenty of time to figure these things out, and they are things I genuinely will enjoy doing, so I have high hopes that I will accomplish my Non-Resolutions this year!

Monday, May 12, 2014

I Am a Nerd

     Attention: I AM A NERD. A name nerd. I have an unusual interest in all things names. It is not uncommon for me to ask friends, family members, or strangers what they are going to name their babies whether or not they are expecting. It is also not unusual for me to know meanings of random names, lol. I love encountering rare and unusual names. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the perfect name combination. I wish I could be the official baby namer for some hospital or village, lol. Oh what a glorious job that would be! Better yet, I could be Candace, the Baby-Naming Fairy, complete with a set of butterfly wings to fly me to and fro across the world visiting parents struggling with finding the right name. I would wave my magic wand and dub children of the world beautiful appellations like Francesca, Milo, Atticus, Arden, Rowan, Betsy, Hugo and Juniper! The possibilities are absolutely endless!:! I know you think I've lost it now, lol.  Anyway, back to what I was saying. For all you non-name-nerds out there, last week the social security administration released the baby name data from 2013. They release the data each year and have since 1880. I LOVE poring over these lists and rankings. I completely nerded out over this data, lol. This probably sounds so weird, but trust me, I am not alone! I have discovered tons of other name nerds out there. Bloggers, vloggers, and instagrammers, all who love names just as much and probably more than me! So, join us in all the fun and discover a new passion! :) 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I've Been Up To Lately

   I've been a little MIA on my little blog lately. I hate that! Here is a little of what I've been up to lately. 

I was going to go here:

But, my dad got sick again. He had to have surgery #5. 

A little pre-surgery Sudoku

I've been reading off and on:

Enjoying the beautiful Autumn scenery around me. {Probably the prettiest I've ever seen!}:

Hanging out with this cutie:

Listening to this awesomess:

Spending a couple of hours with my dream man:

And, the other day I was listening to the show "The Little House on the Prairie." There were a couple of things the characters said that caught my attention:
 ~ Pa told Laura, "You know we have a lot of funny notions born inside of us, Half-Pint. The funniest is that we're supposed to hide the way we feel about people. Let me tell you, everybody wants to know that they are loved, or needed, or cared about. Anybody who doesn't want to know that has something wrong with them."

~ Laura told Mary, "You know Mary, life sure was a lot easier when we didn't like boys."

So true, Laura, so true! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Truths From Gone With the Wind

     Yesterday, I decided I should work a little on my quilt. I like to have something interesting on t.v. to keep me entertained while I do this. So, I popped in my VHS of Gone With the Wind, (yes I still have those and a VCR!) For reasons I can't really explain because I don't fully understand myself, this is my favorite movie. My friend Meghan challenges me on this all the time. She thinks it is depressing. I agree, but I still love it! Anyway, I started watching it for the umpteenth time yesterday. I mean really, I can quote much of the movie! But something struck me for the first time. There is a lot of truth in what the characters are saying. Here are some of those truths:

Mammy: "What gentlemen says and what they thinks is two different things." So much truth in that statement. 

Scarlett: "Why does a girl have to act so silly to catch a husband?" Oh, Scarlett, you are so right!

Rhett:  "Although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." Swoon. If only a cute guy would say that to me. Oh, wait....go back to truth number one!

Scarlett: "Oh, I can't think about that right now. I'll go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow." I completely understand, Scarlett.

Scarlett: "After all, tomorrow is another day." It's always best to have a positive attitude!