Showing posts with label funny stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny stories. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015


     It all started around a month and a half ago. I decided to work on a little sewing project in my little sewing corner in the living room. I went to sit down in the chair and noticed some little brown things. "What could this be?" I wondered. I discovered more on the side table. It dawned on me......there must be a mouse in my house! Cue Jaws music. EEEEEEK!!!!!!! I don't do spiders, roaches, snakes, or mice. I was literally jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl. I was absolutely terrified! But I had to put my brave girl pants on and take care of business. I immediately made a trip to Walmart to get some glue boards to catch Mr. Mouse. I cleaned really well and set my traps. The next day......nothing. I thought I heard something under the stove which was confirmed when my dog, Effie, went to check it out. So I had a feeling he was under there. So I added s glue board there. Every day I checked the boards and nothing! I stopped seeing any visual evidence that Mr. Mouse was still visiting so I thought he packed his bags and left the premises. WRONG! Eventually I started seeing where he was throwing a little party at night. So I went for the big guns. I got some traps and baited them with peanut butter and placed them strategically where I knew he had been hanging out. I very anxiously check them each morning scared of what I might find. And.....nothing! The little booger nibbled on the peanut butter and set the trap off but somehow escaped being captured! A friend from work suggested I put peanut butter on the glue boards. So, I tried that. I seriously saw teeth marks in the peanut butter the next day but no mouse. It was then I had to call in the experts. Enter Mighty Dad (& Mom) to save the day! See, my dad was in pest control for about 20 years and he was the best in the business (I may be slightly biased). He strategically placed more traps in better places after investigating things. He even slept in the living room because I was not sleeping in there with a mouse partying in there every night!!! Still, we never caught a mouse. However, my dad and mom plugged several holes in the wall behind my stove with steel wool to seal Mr. Mouse out of my house. As far as I know, our plan worked! Fingers crossed!!!

Properly set trap

Trap that had been set off by Mr. Mouse who must be related to Speedy Gonzalez

Teeth marks in the bait....which I was informed by the experts that I used entirely too much bait. Live and Learn!