Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

     My parents came to visit me this weekend for Easter. We had a fun time! On Friday, we went shopping a little and baked a cake to our annual family Easter lunch the next day. On Saturday, we went to our family gathering. My parents and I tried to fly my new butterfly kite. We tried and we failed! Unfortunately, it was not windy enough to get it in the air. :(  Later, we went to my Aunt's house where I got to cross something off my bucket list! I have always wanted to ride a horse and I finally did! It was kinda scary getting on her because it was pretty high up. I held on to the saddle for dear life ha! My feet did not reach the stirrups either. I learned how to steer the horse with the reins, which is different than I thought. I'm rather proud of myself! But, I would never have made it as a cowgirl in the Wild West! If that horse started running, I would have been terrified! 
     Sunday, of course was Easter! Resurrection Day! Up from the grave He arose!!! Hallelujah, He is Alive!!!!! I'm so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and that He went to the cross for me and rose again three days later! He is the best decision I have ever made. Without Him, life would have no purpose or meaning. I hope you know Him too!
     We went to church on Sunday and came back for a pretty tasty lunch. BBQ pulled pork and macaroni and cheese. Yum, yum! :) It was a great weekend!!!

Love my new kicks!

My Pinterest inspired bunny cake!!!

Let's go fly a kite!

Or not!


That is a tiny baby rabbit!

The fields here are covered in yellow flowers! So beautiful!!!

Me and Effie Pooh!

Me and Mama!

Name Watch

Ok, I am officially watching for these "celebs" to announce the birth of their babes and even more their names! Here are my guesses:

~ Jill and Derick Dillard: Henry Richard, Noah Richard, or Asher Richard. I'm assuming that Richard is his dad's name (think I read that somewhere).

~ Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: I hope it's a GIRL! Alice Mary Diana. How adorable will a little Princess Alice be??? If it's a boy my guess is Arthur Philip Leopold. 

~ Back to the Duggars. Josh and Anna Duggar: They are expecting their 4th child, a girl. They have a "M" theme with Mackynzie, Michael, and Marcus. I think Mallory would be so sweet!