Monday, July 27, 2015

A Relaxing Summer

     Summer 2015 is quickly coming to an end. I have to say, I've had the most relaxing summer! I've mostly spent a lot of it at my parents' house. It was truly refreshing to my soul!!! I love getting to have some quality time with my parents and the occasional visit with my brother, sister-in-law, and new niece! I also got to meet up with a couple of my friends and meet some new babies. It's been raining babies this summer lol! 
     On Father's Day weekend, I really wanted to surprise my dad with something special and different. My parents rarely go out to eat. So, I decided to take them to Outback Steakhouse! I told him we were going to a painting class hahahaha! He was not excited. But as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and saw where we really were going he had the biggest smile on his face! We had a fabulous dinner and he even ordered the Chocolate Thunder From Down Under which is a conundrum to me because he claims he doesn't like chocolate! LOL. I'm so glad I was able to do this for them. 
     On the Fourth of July, we spent the day with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece. Then we went to the annual fireworks show that never disappoints! It was a fun day. 
     Other things I did over the summer included working on my butterfly quilt top and school projects. This break has flown by and I can't believe I'll soon be starting my 7th year as a school speech pathologist! I feel refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated. Summer has worked its magic once again. 

Sleepy Effie

With my friend Merrill

Effie sleeps again

Coke family minus Daddy and slight misspelling of Candace

Me and Mama

Happy Father's Day!



Chocolate Dessert, yummy!

Summer baby number 2!


Happy Fourth of July!


The apple was my fave!

Lunch with Merrill

Summer baby number 3!

My Alma Mater. So beautiful!

KK fashion show :)

Lovely Mama and Effie Pooh :)

Love my sweet Effie!!!

Daddy loves her too!

She sleeps with her head on a pillow lol!

There is always a silver lining to every cloud