Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is such a classic story. I enjoy watching versions of it each year at Christmas. While I don't consider myself to be like Ebenezer Scrooge at all, I thought it would be fun to consider what each of the ghosts would tell or show me if they were to visit me. ***Fingers crossed here that I don't have crazy, terrifying dreams about this tonight!*** I tend to have too many of those as it is :) And, alas, here it is, I present to you my version of A Christmas Carol---Candace's Christmas Carol. I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat in suspense lol.
It was about a week ago. I had just gotten back to my apartment from spending Thanksgiving week with my parents. I was extremely tired but for some reason could not fall asleep. It's all coming back to me now. I remember a faint fluttering. Something kept fluttering past my face, tickling it. I tried to brush it away, but it didn't work. Finally I heard the faintest sound whispering my name.
"Caaaandace, Caaaandace, Caaaandace, wake up!"
I opened my eyes and saw the tiniest, most beautiful butterfly. She glowed in the dark and had glitter surrounding her. I wasn't frightened, because I love butterflies. I was mostly astonished that she was talking to me.
"Wake up, I am the Ghost of Christmases past, and I'm here to help you remember all the wonderful times of your childhood."
"Ok," I said, "But why me?"
"Well, why not you?" she replied.
She then whisked me away back to the 1980s and 90s.
This was your first Christmas. You got a big pink doll with pink braids. |
You were slightly terrified of Santa Claus, even though it was really an imposter. |
"As the years went on, your mom would do fun Christmas things with you. She always made Christmas cookies with you and your brother, Chad. Noel Balls! Don't you remember those? And don't you remember your mom making a cookie in the shape of your hand? One year, she made ornaments with you. You cut out circles of wrapping paper and glued a ribbon on it to hang on the tree. Oh what fun you had! You and Chad would always plan to stay awake to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus. Oh the suspense and pure joy it was to wake up on Christmas Day to see what presents were under the tree!! You also had the tradition of picking out a new ornament each year. This was one of your favorite things to do."
On my way to work, I thought I saw something crossing the road. As I got closer, I couldn't believe my eyes. There, in the middle of the highway, was a huge reindeer. And he was just staring at me. I slammed on my breaks and my car stopped an inch away from him. "Hi, Candace!" he said. Now, I thought I had lost my mind at this point. First, a talking butterfly and now a talking reindeer---in Mississippi?! He continued, "I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present. I'm here to remind you of all the blessings in your life." And in the blink of an eye, I was flying over all my friends and family and children at school. It's kind of strange, being in the air and peering down at your life. I saw myself singing Christmas carols at church and in the car. I saw myself playing with Effie. Making cookies, decorating the Christmas tree, and putting out the nativity scene. Shopping and wrapping presents. Finding cute activities for my speech students to complete. Oh what fun it all is!
Just as quickly as it happened, it was all over. The next thing I knew, I was at work. I made it through the rest of the day without encountering any more ghosts.
That night, however, was a completely different story. I was sound asleep. When all of a sudden, I heard Effie barking hysterically. I got up to get on to her, when I noticed she was wearing her Santa suit. "Effie, how did you get that on?!"
"Mom, I wanted to surprise you! I am the Ghost of Christmases yet to Come."
"Oh, really?? Oh goodness, I've completely lost it," I thought.
"Get your coat. We are going for a walk," Effie said.
"But it is the middle of the night!"
"You heard me!" she replied.
So, I grabbed my coat, and off we went. As soon as we stepped outside, I noticed that we were no longer at my apartment complex, but instead I was standing under the mistletoe with a handsome man dressed as Santa. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two little children peeking around the corner, gasping at the sight of their mom kissing Santa Claus. I quickly told them they better get to bed, or he wouldn't leave them any presents!
Then, I saw a few more years into the future. We were in the front yard watching children laughing and playing. Building a snowman, in fact. "Mama! Look at our snowman! Isn't it awesome?!"
"YES, it is! But now it's time to come inside and warm up" I answered.
"Awww, really? Can't we stay out here just a few more minutes?"
"Ok, 5 more minutes. Then, you have to come inside. Your grandma and grandpa will be here tomorrow and we still have to wrap their presents."
"Yay!" they all screamed.
And indeed, I saw my children with their grandparents on Christmas Day. I saw how excited they were to open their presents AND to give presents to their loved ones. I saw myself doing the same fun things with my children as my parents did with me. I saw myself with my precious family. And it was amazing. Effie said, "This is just a small glimpse into your Christmases yet to come." And, just like that, I found myself back inside my apartment, getting ready for the day ahead.
And here I am now, Christmas 2014. This silly story was just me having a little fun :) I have lots of great memories and many more to make in the future. I love this life that I have and I'm thankful to God for His precious gifts to me during this season...Especially His gift of Jesus, without whom I would not be who I am today! I hope everyone is blessed this Christmas with the joy and hope that only He gives!
"For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6