Friday, June 19, 2015


     It all started around a month and a half ago. I decided to work on a little sewing project in my little sewing corner in the living room. I went to sit down in the chair and noticed some little brown things. "What could this be?" I wondered. I discovered more on the side table. It dawned on me......there must be a mouse in my house! Cue Jaws music. EEEEEEK!!!!!!! I don't do spiders, roaches, snakes, or mice. I was literally jumping up and down and squealing like a little girl. I was absolutely terrified! But I had to put my brave girl pants on and take care of business. I immediately made a trip to Walmart to get some glue boards to catch Mr. Mouse. I cleaned really well and set my traps. The next day......nothing. I thought I heard something under the stove which was confirmed when my dog, Effie, went to check it out. So I had a feeling he was under there. So I added s glue board there. Every day I checked the boards and nothing! I stopped seeing any visual evidence that Mr. Mouse was still visiting so I thought he packed his bags and left the premises. WRONG! Eventually I started seeing where he was throwing a little party at night. So I went for the big guns. I got some traps and baited them with peanut butter and placed them strategically where I knew he had been hanging out. I very anxiously check them each morning scared of what I might find. And.....nothing! The little booger nibbled on the peanut butter and set the trap off but somehow escaped being captured! A friend from work suggested I put peanut butter on the glue boards. So, I tried that. I seriously saw teeth marks in the peanut butter the next day but no mouse. It was then I had to call in the experts. Enter Mighty Dad (& Mom) to save the day! See, my dad was in pest control for about 20 years and he was the best in the business (I may be slightly biased). He strategically placed more traps in better places after investigating things. He even slept in the living room because I was not sleeping in there with a mouse partying in there every night!!! Still, we never caught a mouse. However, my dad and mom plugged several holes in the wall behind my stove with steel wool to seal Mr. Mouse out of my house. As far as I know, our plan worked! Fingers crossed!!!

Properly set trap

Trap that had been set off by Mr. Mouse who must be related to Speedy Gonzalez

Teeth marks in the bait....which I was informed by the experts that I used entirely too much bait. Live and Learn!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Niece Is Born!

     So, the other day, my sweet little niece, Josephine, came into the world! She is beautiful and we all love her so! :)  

Aunt Candace!

Getting our daily dose of Josephine :)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

How To Throw a "Surprise" 60th Birthday Party

Sneak home to surprise the recipient!
Have the perfect greeting committee!

And an accomplice to help you pull everything off......

Make a very crooked, lopsided cake......

Place tiara and sash on the party girl, even though she probably doesn't want to wear it!

Give the lady of the hour gifts! 

Take a selfie!

Smile for the Camera!

Attempt to light defective sparkler candles.....
But most of all, laugh, have FUN, and eat lots of cake!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Whirlwind Weekends

     The past two weekends have been so busy and like a whirlwind! The first one I randomly went home for fun with a couple of friends. One of my friends lives in town and the other one lives out of town. The latter asked me if I wanted to have a girl's night. I told her I wasn't going to be in town because I was going to be there the next weekend. She texted, "You never heard of driving two weeks in a row?" LOL. That's all it took. She really twisted my arm! I gave myself permission to do this simply because I am single and I have the freedom to do so. Everyone can't just drop what they're doing and visit friends so I'm going to seize these opportunities as they come my way!
      Once I decided to make this random trip home, I immediately made plans to have brunch with my friend who recently moved back to the area. I got to tour her new house and meet her pet bunny. She also showed me some of the schools where she works. Brunch was also delicious and we even fit in some shopping just like old times! We had such a fun time. I really enjoyed seeing her again and catching up!

     She has the cutest baby girl who I got to see for the second time in her life! We had such a fun time! I really enjoyed seeing her again and catching up.  Her mom and I had a fun little girl's night on the town. We went to a local pizza restaurant and then we went to see The Longest Ride. We had the biggest laugh at the movie theater because we felt old! She said she felt old because it was 10:00 and thought she couldn't stay awake for the whole movie. As she was saying this I looked up to see tons of teenagers. It was raining that night. Pretty heavily at times. We were the only ones carrying umbrellas! I said, "I can tell we are getting old because we are the only ones out here with umbrellas!" At this point, we both completely lost it. We stalled where we were because we were laughing soooo hard. She then said, "You can tell we are old because we have to stop and cross our legs while we are laughing so we don't wet our pants!!!" OH ME! So funny and so true!!!!!!! That's exactly what we were doing. The perils of being in your 30s LOL!!! Needless to say, we had a great time! :)

     Then the following weekend I went home to help co-host a baby shower for my sister-in-law! She is due soon and I am so excited to become an aunt to a baby girl!!! The shower turned out super cute! Her mother has several vintage-esque and shabby chic decorations and we built around that. Her sister made a cute pennant and I made a diaper cake that looked like a bassinet. It was darling! I can't take credit for the idea...I totally followed this tutorial I found on pinterest. :) My mom and I also transformed an old cabinet door from her kitchen to make a cute chalkboard sign. I was able to give her the baby blanket I had been making. I hope little baby loves it! :) It was a fun weekend! 

Diaper cake!

Me and Megan
Mama and Megan
Baby blanket

     Oh and I almost forgot! It was Effie's birthday the other day as well! I made her a little chalkboard sign to celebrate her 4 years! ;) I also attempted to make Effie cupcakes from a picture everyone had shared with me from facebook. Let's just say mine didn't exactly turn out great. :) Effie is still absolutely adorable though!

Happy Birthday, Effie!

Effie and I are road warriors! She helps me drive sometimes! ;)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

     My parents came to visit me this weekend for Easter. We had a fun time! On Friday, we went shopping a little and baked a cake to our annual family Easter lunch the next day. On Saturday, we went to our family gathering. My parents and I tried to fly my new butterfly kite. We tried and we failed! Unfortunately, it was not windy enough to get it in the air. :(  Later, we went to my Aunt's house where I got to cross something off my bucket list! I have always wanted to ride a horse and I finally did! It was kinda scary getting on her because it was pretty high up. I held on to the saddle for dear life ha! My feet did not reach the stirrups either. I learned how to steer the horse with the reins, which is different than I thought. I'm rather proud of myself! But, I would never have made it as a cowgirl in the Wild West! If that horse started running, I would have been terrified! 
     Sunday, of course was Easter! Resurrection Day! Up from the grave He arose!!! Hallelujah, He is Alive!!!!! I'm so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and that He went to the cross for me and rose again three days later! He is the best decision I have ever made. Without Him, life would have no purpose or meaning. I hope you know Him too!
     We went to church on Sunday and came back for a pretty tasty lunch. BBQ pulled pork and macaroni and cheese. Yum, yum! :) It was a great weekend!!!

Love my new kicks!

My Pinterest inspired bunny cake!!!

Let's go fly a kite!

Or not!


That is a tiny baby rabbit!

The fields here are covered in yellow flowers! So beautiful!!!

Me and Effie Pooh!

Me and Mama!

Name Watch

Ok, I am officially watching for these "celebs" to announce the birth of their babes and even more their names! Here are my guesses:

~ Jill and Derick Dillard: Henry Richard, Noah Richard, or Asher Richard. I'm assuming that Richard is his dad's name (think I read that somewhere).

~ Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: I hope it's a GIRL! Alice Mary Diana. How adorable will a little Princess Alice be??? If it's a boy my guess is Arthur Philip Leopold. 

~ Back to the Duggars. Josh and Anna Duggar: They are expecting their 4th child, a girl. They have a "M" theme with Mackynzie, Michael, and Marcus. I think Mallory would be so sweet!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Birthdays Are The Best

     The other day I turned 31 years old! Wow!!! :) I got lots of calls, texts, and facebook messages which is always fun! I have to say, I had a pretty legit birthday weekend. I went with a friend to see The Lion King which was amazing! The music, the actors, the costumes, all very creative! The actors were completely in character of the animal they were portraying. The giraffes were probably my favorite! The people were in the middle and there hands and feet were on stilt like legs. I seriously don't know how they walked! It was a fun night! My friend also gave me a baby name book, hahaha! Not because I'm having a baby but simple because I love all things name related :) She knows me well. The fun continued when I got back home. My parents came to visit me for the weekend. They brought my gift from my brother and sister-in-law. It was a set of really cool owl coasters handmade by women overseas saved from human trafficking and poverty. Their card also revealed my future niece's name!!! But, I won't say it here because I don't know if I have permission, lol. Our Saturday consisted of shopping and going out to eat at Chili's with my aunt and uncle. It was a fun time! Afterwards, my mom and I went back shopping for my birthday present, lol. She had the best idea...a new Bible! My Bible is very worn and starting to tear up. So, we scoured the Bibles at the bookstore and I finally found one I liked. It's an English Standard Version which I've never read before, but I like it and it is easy to understand. I also really wanted one with lots of references. I like to refer back to other verses in the Bible that relate to each other so this was a must have! I am so glad she thought of this for a gift! The next day, my friend brought me a present to church- butterfly earrings and a really pretty necklace/earring set. Her card was so very sweet! I'm thankful for her friendship. Last but not least, my friend from work gave me a present at work the next week. I had mentioned the other day how I really loved Ronaldo bracelets. I had no idea she would get me one for my birthday! \ I still can't believe she did that for me. I absolutely love it! It was very thoughtful and sweet of her and I am very appreciative! I'm very appreciative of all the gifts, cards, calls, texts, etc that I received on my birthday! It was a fun day! I am a very blessed lady!!!!!! :)

My dress is not black/blue or white/gold lol

I took this picture to capture the grandeur of the theatre and got seriously reprimanded because that background is copyright of Disney. So, all credit to those stick drawings belongs to Disney. Just look at how pretty the columns, chandeliers, and decorations are!

Sunday night, I got an unexpected gift for my birthday....severe stomach pain. I seriously came this close to going to the ER. I thought I was having an appendicitis or something. Thankfully, the pain subsided and didn't have to go. I went to the doctor the next day and found out what the culprit was. Thankfully, it's not anything serious like I thought it was! I thought I was going to die! I'm now on the road to recovery :)