Saturday, December 21, 2013

Candace's Psalm

     Several months ago, I wrote somewhat of a poem. The other day, I found it in my journal. As I reread it, I thought, "This isn't finished!" So in that moment, I penned the latter half. I never thought of a title before. I simple called it Untitled. Now, I think Candace's Psalm fits it well. That is what it is. A psalm---a prayer, a cry, and praise to God. A psalm straight from my heart.

Candace's Psalm:

Hopes so high
Starting to be fulfilled.
Completely unbelievable
Oh, such a thrill!

Suddenly, dreams shattered
Hurt so deep
Doesn't make sense
What's the purpose in this?

All I can gather, 
All I can find,
Is that You, Oh Lord, 
Have a mysterious mind.

Your ways are perfect, 
Though they don't make sense.
All I can do is cling 
To Your hands.

You are drawing me closer,
You are doing a work!
I love You,I trust You, 
But not nearly enough!

So have Your way in my hopes,
Have Your way in my dreams,
Have Your way in my sorrows,
Have Your way in my pains.

I give them to You,
You alone know what to do!
Please make something beautiful
Out of this mess.

For so long I've held on to
Your promises.
Now I trust You enough
To give it all up.

I know You have a plan
And purpose in this.
Though I can't see it, 
You know what it is!

I don't know how,
And I don't know when.
But I will live passionately
Until then!

This story is Yours,
It has been from the start.
I can't wait to see
The ending You have planned!

Do as You will,
Do as You want.
In the meantime, please stay
Near to my heart! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What Does the Fox Say??

     The fox says "Ding ding ding da ding ding ding!!!" LOL. That song is hilarious to me. And today I'm feeling "foxy" in my new hair color! After much swaying back and forth, I finally did it. I went red! Reddish brown actually. Hmmm, I guess that is called auburn. Well, whatever you call it, it is different! Sometimes a girl needs a change. To live life on the edge, if you will. It will take a while for me to get used to it, but I like it! :)

So, yeah, the fox references were inspired by this cute critter sweater! :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Gobble Gobble

     Alas, Thanksgiving has now come and gone...I had a mostly relaxing week at my parents' house. I was sick with an awful cold most of the week. Blah. That didn't stop me from learning to roast a Thanksgiving turkey! I woke up on Thursday at promptly 5 am to get the bird in the oven. My wonderful teacher, Mama, also got up to guide me through the process. It didn't catch on fire or burn, so all in all, I would say it was a success!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


     Recently, I went to visit my pal Meghan in Memphis. We decided to have a shopping day. It was a lot of fun! On the way there, I punched her address into my Navigation App on my phone. It is just like a GPS and tells me which way to go. It guided me across several highways and interstates, through heavy traffic and road work. On the way home, I entered in my address. I figured it would be easy enough to get back. I quickly figure out that it was taking me a different way than I came. I thought, "Well, I guess I will get on the interstate somewhere else." Nope. It was dark. I did not know where I was. I was a little uncomfortable with the situation. As I sat at a red light, I remember thinking, "If only I could see the big picture and where I'm going to come out at, I would feel more comfortable." As SOON as I thought it, a light bulb went off in my head. I ultimately knew that I would get to my destination because my GPS would guide me there. In the same way, I believe God was showing me that I need to trust Him like I trust my GPS. When it is dark and I don't know where I am going. When I think I know the way, but He takes me a different way. I have to trust Jesus! I have to believe that He has a purpose for my life. That He has a purpose in things that I completely do not understand. That He works all things for my good and His glory. I eventually arrived on the highway that brought me home. I don't know why it took me an alternate route. I'm certainly not where I thought I would be at this stage of my life, but God has a plan! He knows where I'm going. I just need to trust Him. That seems to be the theme of what He's been trying to teach me for a couple of years now. Will I ever get it??
     I heard this quote from Corrie Ten Boom in church today: "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." I thought that was an awesome picture.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 

What I've Been Up To Lately

   I've been a little MIA on my little blog lately. I hate that! Here is a little of what I've been up to lately. 

I was going to go here:

But, my dad got sick again. He had to have surgery #5. 

A little pre-surgery Sudoku

I've been reading off and on:

Enjoying the beautiful Autumn scenery around me. {Probably the prettiest I've ever seen!}:

Hanging out with this cutie:

Listening to this awesomess:

Spending a couple of hours with my dream man:

And, the other day I was listening to the show "The Little House on the Prairie." There were a couple of things the characters said that caught my attention:
 ~ Pa told Laura, "You know we have a lot of funny notions born inside of us, Half-Pint. The funniest is that we're supposed to hide the way we feel about people. Let me tell you, everybody wants to know that they are loved, or needed, or cared about. Anybody who doesn't want to know that has something wrong with them."

~ Laura told Mary, "You know Mary, life sure was a lot easier when we didn't like boys."

So true, Laura, so true! :)