Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Single Girl's Car Buying Guide!

     Ok, so the title of this post may lead the reader to believe that I am an expert in buying cars and that if you follow steps A-E you will get the perfect deal. That is simply not the case. I am no expert, but I AM a single girl who just bought my first car without having a guy by my side! I always envisioned having my dad or maybe husband/boyfriend going with me to buy a car as assurance that I wasn't being cheated. Well, my dad doesn't live in town and there is no husband/boyfriend in my life so scratch that idea! It's just me here in these parts, so I might as well research what I want and give this car buying thing a try!!
     A little history: I drove my last car for 11 years. It had 176,000 miles on it and squealed like crazy every time I cranked it. It is a good car, it just needs some TLC. A couple months ago, I went to a used car dealership and test drove a car. The salesmen would not even tell me how much the car was but wanted me to say "YES" I will buy this car tonight! I'm thinking, "Man, I don't even buy a sweater at JC Penney unless I know the price of it and it is on sale." Ludicrous. My personality can only handle so much. I try my hardest to say what I want, yet be very polite and cordial at the same time. When people don't listen, my fuse is very short. So after haggling me to buy a car they would not tell me the price of they bring out the manager to talk to me. That's when I blew up. I walked out on them as they were saying, "You need a new car. Your car is old." Yeah, whatever. 
     This week, my boss saw me in the hallway and said, "Candace, when are you getting a new car? I thought you would get one for Christmas?" I laughed it off and thought it was funny. Mental note: You know you need a new car when the principal notices. So that night, I looked online and found one that I thought I would like. I hesitantly placed an offer on it. Never heard from them. So, on Friday I contacted them again. Within 5 minutes a salesman had called me and left a message. He then texted me a lower price than the one on the internet. So, I negotioated a different number and asked to test drive it.
     On the way to test drive it, I whispered a prayer that I would not get cheated or feel pressured to buy the car, and that I could get it for the price that would fit my budget. So, the first number he showed me was a no-go. The second number was a no-go. I stood my ground and negotiated a fair interest rate and told them I wanted to think about it. They really didn't want me to leave without buying that car but I stressed that I wanted to think about it. So, that is what I did! I thought that God totally answered my prayer about not getting frustrated and not letting me get cheated!!! I also did a little search on the internet and didn't see another car I liked as much in that price range. On Saturday, I nervously bought my first car! EEEEK!!! Ha ha. It is such a huge purchase and I feel like I signed my life away lol. But, it's all good. I love it so far! It's been a long time coming. 
     Moral of my story for the single gals out there: don't let car salesmen run over you or pressure you into doing something. Do your research and don't be afraid to negotiate. If you don't want to buy it, you don't have to. This really made me feel empowered haha! I am strong and independent and with God by my side, I got this! 
     A little extra story: they were out of inspection stickers at the nissan dealership so they sent me to the toyota dealership to get one. (They are owned by the same company). Well, the Toyota car salesman tried to get rid of me. "Yeah, they aren't supposed to do that. You can go back over there on Monday, you won't get a ticket." Old Candace would have politely said, "Oh, okay, I will go back to Nissan on Monday to get it. Thank you so much!!" Oh no. Not anymore. New Candace said, "I am not doing all this running around." And then I called my car salesman back and asked him to call them. And so I got my inspection sticker. Go me. Now, I'm about to start using my new found negotiating skills/courage and apply it to the world of dating. ;) ;) 

Sabrina Elvira Flossie Minnie Pearl Sentra :)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Closing Out the Year: 13 from 2013

     2013 is coming to an end in less than 5 hours! It's been a pretty normal year for me. Not too many highs or lows {tangible things that people can see at least} I have had a year full of "small" fun experiences. Here are 13 things/memories/favorites from my 2013.

13. My 29th Birthday. I had fun parties with my family and friends!
12.  Favorite Book I read. (honestly, one of the few I actually finished, lol)

11. My Biggest Accomplishments: 5K and 10K and a 6.5 mile hike


10. My Favorite Music:

Red-Taylor Swift
Pioneer-The Band Perry
The Glorious Unfolding-Steven Curtis Chapman

9.  My Most Popular Blog Post: GPS
 8.  My Favorite Effie Picture:
7: My Favorite Bible Verses:

Psalm 46:10(a): Be Still and know that I am God.

Psalm 77

Psalm 143 

6. My Favorite Blog Posts:

5. Most useful thing I learned:

4. My Favorite Transformation:


3. My Most Daring Hair Experience:

2. Favorite Movies:


The Book Thief

The Christmas Candle

1. The Recurring Themes of My 2013:

God is sovereign and He has a plan. I don't always understand it, but He has a purpose for everything He does. He wants me to trust Him, and I've realized that is the hardest thing to learn to do. He keeps His promises and is faithful. He is the closest friend I will ever have or know. I can never know Him enough!

  Well, that's about it! Goodbye 2013!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime!


     I have had a most wonderful Christmastime this year! I have been able to hang out with friends and family and do some fun holiday things! I actually decorated my apartment before Thanksgiving, just because it was so late this year. I think it turned out nice.
Smile, Effie!

Little reindeer!
One of the first things I did was go to the local Christmas parade with some church friends. Silly me didn't take any pictures, probably because it was sooooo cold outside that night!! Like, I could not feel my feet cold. Also, I had NO CLUE that the Clydesdale horses were such a big deal. But apparently they are. I was so close, I could reach out and touch them. But, they would have trampled me they were so huge! Here is a picture (from
Such beautiful, magnificent horses!

Then, one weekend, my parents came to visit. We had the annual Christmas gathering at my aunt's house, about an hour from where I live. It was fun as always to hang out with the family. I especially love playing with my sweet, little 3 year old cousin. Little children make my heart smile! 
Effie loves her grandparents and they love her too! Even though they try to claim they aren't a dog's grandparents!!!

With my cousin Michael!

My sweet little friend! She was showing me her breath in the cold air!

The sweetest Mama in the world!

With 2 of my other cousins! Taller than me by the way.

Little doll.

With my Daddy

The very next day, I went to see the singing Christmas tree at Bellevue with my Sunday School group. It was fun! My friend Merrill gets credit for this picture. Once again, I failed lol. I wish I had taken a picture of the part where there were puppets filling it up singing! I did puppets at my church when I was a teenager.

So pretty!
On the way to the singing Christmas tree, one of the guys in our group had the idea to get dressed up one night and go out to eat. I was game! What girl doesn't love to dress up and go out on the town?! Plus, I got to wear that "red" dress I've been wanting to get!

Merrill and I :)

With Amy

Nice looking bunch ;)

On Friday, some of my college friends were going to come into town for a mini reunion. However, two of them were unable to make it. Meghan and I still got together for a mini mini reunion and we were able to facetime with our friend Lauren who lives too far away to come. We went to dinner at a new fun place in town, had coffee at Starbucks, and then went to a movie.

Both rocking our new hair!

That brings us up to Christmas with the family! Here are the pictures from this week!

She hates it, but it is so funny!

Me and the little Effie Claus!

Daddy trying to teach Effie to beg! haha

They came prepared for a picture for once, so I took it! Such a great looking couple! :)

Half the fun of presents is playing with the box, right??

Yay, sibling pic!

Effie loves my brother so so much.

Well, that's all! It has been so busy, but fun this year! I am thankful to be able to spend time with all the people I love!! I am mostly thankful for JESUS! He is the reason we have this season! He is truly everything to me.