Thursday, June 27, 2013

What God Showed Me While I Was Making Jello

     I recently stumbled upon a recipe for finger jello by The Pioneer Woman. I was intrigued because I have been on a gummy candy kick lately. So, last night I thought I would give this a try. I love The Pioneer Woman. She has very specific step-by-step instructions with pictures. This particular recipe was easy, just time consuming. I started out great. I made the first batch of jello and was supposed to put it in the fridge for 15 minutes to set. While I was waiting, I went ahead and made the next layers to go on top. Well, I kept checking it and it wouldn't set. But I never waited the full 15 minutes. I finally thought, "Well, half of it is ready. I'll just go ahead and pour on the next layer." Big Mistake. Of course, it all mixed together. So, what did I do? I continued to pour the rest of the layers on. The result was not The Pioneer Woman's perfectly beautiful layers of red, white, and green jello. No. What I ended up with is a square pan of mostly white and pink mixed jello with hints of green, lol. And I admit---it is completely my fault. I did not follow the directions. I was impatient and thought I could speed the process up and get the same result. Wrong. And as I realized that, I also realized the same is true in my life. Sometimes Many times, I don't follow God's directions. I get impatient and try to speed things up. The result is never good. But maybe, just maybe, if I wait on God and follow His directions, the end result will be beautiful, just the way He planned. Scratch the just maybe. Definitely. It would definitely be the way He planned. But doing that is hard for me. I'm still learning. There, that is what God showed me while I was making jello. :)

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