Friday, September 13, 2013

30 Before 30!

     Well, I have a little over 5 months to complete 30 things before I turn 30! I think it will be fun. :) Here is my list:

1. Learn to make fried chicken. {Done and done. 2/2/14}
2. Get a unique flavored drink from Sonic. {Peach Vanilla DC, yum, yum! 2/8/14} 
3. Get a massage.
4. Style my hair differently each day for a week.
5. Teach Effie a new trick. {Check. She can "say" I love you. 1/6/14}
6. Go 1 day without caffeine. {Who am I kidding? I went one morning without it and I decided I didn't want a headache.}
7. Buy a red dress. {Completed 12/16/13; technically, it was wine-colored, but I say it counts! :) }
8. Interview my parents about their childhood/memories.
9. Print pictures on camera and organize into albums. {2013 pics printed and in an album! 2/19/14 HUGE accomplishment}
10. Share something special. {Done several times}
11. Read Gone With the Wind. {I attempted! Got about 200 pages read.}
12. Enjoy an afternoon at the park. {Check. 2/16/14}
13. Brush up on ASL.
14. Learn how to download music onto a device. {I didn't actually do it, but I did figure out how.}
15. A couple of my friends think I should taste sushi. Not so sure about this one! {OK, so sushi is a little much for a picky eater like me. BUT, I did taste Southwestern Egg Rolls, and I liked them! Small steps. lol. Completed 12/12/13}
16. Go to sleep early one night. {Check. 2/1/14} 
17. Dye my hair red. {Completed 12/11/13}
18. Throw a speech-language themed party for my kids at school. {Party!!! 2/19/14 & 2/20/14}
19. Make career goals for the next decade. {Ideas in mind. 2/5/4}
20. Buy fresh flowers for my apartment. {Always wanted to do this! Check! 2/8/14}
21. Make my small grandma's strawberry cake.
22. Go 24 hrs without tv or internet. {Again, who am I kidding? I did make it 12 hours though!}
23. Shoot a gun.
24. Travel somewhere I've never been before. {Completed 9/28/13}
25. Buy a car. {Completed 1/11/14}
26. Make dinner for a friend.
27. Memorize a chapter in a book of the Bible.
28. Cook a Thanksgiving turkey. {Completed 11/28/23}
29. Make a gift for someone. {Completed 12/19/13}
30. Have an amazing 30th birthday! :) {It happened!}

So, I didn't complete everything on this list, but that is ok! It was just for fun and hopefully one day I will have the opportunity to do the rest!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Truths From Gone With the Wind

     Yesterday, I decided I should work a little on my quilt. I like to have something interesting on t.v. to keep me entertained while I do this. So, I popped in my VHS of Gone With the Wind, (yes I still have those and a VCR!) For reasons I can't really explain because I don't fully understand myself, this is my favorite movie. My friend Meghan challenges me on this all the time. She thinks it is depressing. I agree, but I still love it! Anyway, I started watching it for the umpteenth time yesterday. I mean really, I can quote much of the movie! But something struck me for the first time. There is a lot of truth in what the characters are saying. Here are some of those truths:

Mammy: "What gentlemen says and what they thinks is two different things." So much truth in that statement. 

Scarlett: "Why does a girl have to act so silly to catch a husband?" Oh, Scarlett, you are so right!

Rhett:  "Although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." Swoon. If only a cute guy would say that to me. Oh, wait....go back to truth number one!

Scarlett: "Oh, I can't think about that right now. I'll go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow." I completely understand, Scarlett.

Scarlett: "After all, tomorrow is another day." It's always best to have a positive attitude!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

This One is For All the Single Ladies!

     In my 29 and almost 1/2 years (GASP!) of being alive, I somehow have managed to remain single! I really don't know how this happened. It certainly isn't something that I planned! I've been thinking about all the things I've learned while never having a boyfriend. Misconceptions and light-bulb moments I've had along the way. Here are my top 10!

10. Hands down, men are the most confusing creatures on planet Earth. Period. Not even kidding.

9. Guys are only human. Since they are the stronger sex, I tend to think they have it all figured out. News Flash! They don't. They don't have some master plan in mind. They don't know what they are doing any more than I do. They have insecurities, doubts, and weaknesses. They are figuring out life just as I am.

8. I am a rather independent girl. I have had to learn to do things that I didn't know how to do. I have had to learn to do many things alone. I don't need a man to be happy. I can recall times when married women my age have said they couldn't handle being single. In my world, they would have to learn really quickly, because they wouldn't have a choice! 

7. Although I fully understand I don't need a man, I've learned that it's ok to want a relationship with one. 

6. People call men dogs to insult them. I have decided that is actually a complement. My dog loves me unconditionally, cries when I leave, and is excited to see me when I come home! If only it were that easy to get a guy to feel that way for me lol! :)

5. I used to love sappy romance movies. Not anymore. They make me sick! Nothing happens like that in real life. 

4. Love is not something you earn or deserve. It is a gift from God. Sadly, I don't think most people view it this way.

3. My value as a person isn't determined by what guys think of me. I've often felt I wasn't good enough for a relationship and that's why I've never had one. Not true. 

2. Beauty is not based on size. This one is really important to me. I've always believed guys don't want a relationship with me because I'm short and curvier. I've always thought I wasn't pretty enough or skinny enough. I don't know why I started thinking this. Obviously, there are married women of all different shapes and sizes. In my head I know this, but making my heart believe is harder at times. I am learning to embrace the attributes I have and remember that a beautiful spirit and heart is what truly matters most.

1. God is ultimately in control. There is no formula I can follow to get to the desired outcome. He makes no sense to me. I don't understand why He hasn't allowed me to experience dating someone. I don't understand why I have this unusual story. I really don't. There is SO much I don't understand about what He has done and is doing in my life. I get really discouraged at times. All I can do is follow His leading and trust that He has a plan for my life even though it doesn't make sense to me. (Which is so difficult!) This may sound very "religious" but I really mean it. 

Well, there they are! My top 10 list of things I've learned while never having a boyfriend. I hope this encourages all the single ladies out there! Being single has its hard moments, but overall I think I have a rockin' good time! Living, laughing, and loving! :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Be Bold

     I live in a world filled with white walls. White gets boring after a while. Recently, I was rewarded by my apartment management with the opportunity to get an accent wall. I was beyond excited! It's the little things. I got a color wheel which had tons of options. Really.....Probably over 200 cards with 8 shades of color on each one! 

It was a hard decision. Should I go neutral? Tan? Brown? Yellow? Red? I have red living room furniture, so I thought that would be really vibrant and fun. I narrowed it down to a couple shades that caught my eye....Poinsettia and Enticing Red. I asked my friend Merrill what she thought and she also liked those two.

I made the final decision to go with Enticing Red because it was the first one that I really liked and it was bright! Go with your gut.

Before pic.....

And after!

What a difference a little paint makes!

I absolutely LOVE it!!!

A bold pop of color is just what I needed.

Be bold!!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer 2013: That's a Wrap!

     Wow! Time flies when you are having fun. My two month summer vacay officially ends today. Although I didn't take any extravagant trips or get to do everything I hoped to do, this has probably been my most fun summer yet! I stayed super busy hanging out with lots of my friends and family plus working on a few chores and projects.  

Merrill and I
Happy Birthday, Becky!

Elvis Fest
Amy and I
Happy Hour @ Sonic :)
Effie and KK!
Nap time!
Such a good lookin' pair!
Happy Father's Day!
Man of Steel, here we come!

Tried to befriend Maxie's cat
Amber was in town for work!
I love this picture! It seems artistic.
"I'm a mermaid!"
Splish splash, they had a blast!

Happy Independence Day!

Lauren, James, and I hiked a few mountain bike trails!
We visited our friend Terrod in the hospital....
And spent the day in New Orleans! {Love the music}
Pretty ceiling of a church in New Orleans
Lauren and I before she moved!
Effie Pooh and her "Mama" haha

Tug o' war
Spiced up my bookshelf
This windmill came from my grandfather's yard. I helped sand the rust off of it.....

Then my dad's creative juices flowed freely as he transformed it into this!! I was so surprised at the outcome.
Cute little birdhouse I painted

Crosses I painted
Made progress on my quilt. Effie loves it, finished or not!

Well, that's a wrap! Farewell, summer. I shall miss you dearly!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Royal Baby Name: My Choices

     Have I ever mentioned that I love names?? ;)  Well, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, are expecting their first child. The royal baby is expected to arrive any day now. There are reports that there are bets on everything from the baby's gender and name to when the baby will be born. I thought it would be fun to make my prediction for the names. Just for fun, lol. So, here goes nothing! Royal baby will be

Alice Caroline Diana Victoria


George Arthur Philip William

I personally think it is a girl. I think it would be so cute if they have a little princess Alice! I guess we will all have to wait and see........

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What God Showed Me While I Was Making Jello

     I recently stumbled upon a recipe for finger jello by The Pioneer Woman. I was intrigued because I have been on a gummy candy kick lately. So, last night I thought I would give this a try. I love The Pioneer Woman. She has very specific step-by-step instructions with pictures. This particular recipe was easy, just time consuming. I started out great. I made the first batch of jello and was supposed to put it in the fridge for 15 minutes to set. While I was waiting, I went ahead and made the next layers to go on top. Well, I kept checking it and it wouldn't set. But I never waited the full 15 minutes. I finally thought, "Well, half of it is ready. I'll just go ahead and pour on the next layer." Big Mistake. Of course, it all mixed together. So, what did I do? I continued to pour the rest of the layers on. The result was not The Pioneer Woman's perfectly beautiful layers of red, white, and green jello. No. What I ended up with is a square pan of mostly white and pink mixed jello with hints of green, lol. And I admit---it is completely my fault. I did not follow the directions. I was impatient and thought I could speed the process up and get the same result. Wrong. And as I realized that, I also realized the same is true in my life. Sometimes Many times, I don't follow God's directions. I get impatient and try to speed things up. The result is never good. But maybe, just maybe, if I wait on God and follow His directions, the end result will be beautiful, just the way He planned. Scratch the just maybe. Definitely. It would definitely be the way He planned. But doing that is hard for me. I'm still learning. There, that is what God showed me while I was making jello. :)